Defend Democracy.

Join Art for Democracy in nurturing a society that values freedom, justice, and equality for all. Your voice is crucial. Let it be heard.

Democracy Blog

A blog on the latest news and the current state of our democracy.

Good Podcast: Resistance Radio

Discover our curated collection of podcasts dedicated to the discussion of democracy and the ongoing global fight for freedom. Each covers the current events, stories, and strategies of those who are fighting to resist oppression and uphold democratic values. Right here, listen to ‘Resistance Radio’—our featured podcast that brings the frontline of freedom to your ears, highlighting daily news, actions and advocacy efforts.

Resistance Radio
Resistance Radio Hosted by Moulin

Freedom through All forms of Art

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Art is Political

If there is no freedom of expression, then the beauty of life is lost. Participation in a society is not an artistic choice, it’s a human need.”

Ai Weiwei
